Rebuilding Communities With Data-Driven Wellness Strategies

The commercial building landscape is in crisis mode, with 1 billion square feet currently sitting empty. But our buildings were already experiencing an existential quandary even before the pandemic-induced vacancy uptick, with end users unmotivated to engage with spaces that don't serve our needs. Aging infrastructure, stressful commutes, inflexible interiors, and one-size-fits-all spaces designed for the majority are hardly wellness-inducing--nor welcoming to minority communities, from neurodivergent individuals to those affected by physical disabilities. Moving forward, we have an unprecedented opportunity to shape the future of our communities by repositioning buildings in a manner that will drive sustainable, revolutionary change and growth. The future is in our hands, but our collective attempts to steer it in a new direction have fallen short, shaped by a reactionary approach overly reliant on quick fixes, single data points, and return-to-office mandates. Truly innovative and effective designs require a more nuanced and strategic take. IA will share a holistic framework for generating design concepts rooted in futurism and based on observation, science, and data. Audience members will learn how to leverage an all-encompassing competitive analysis tool to organize and make sense of the manifold facets impacting real estate, looking at the past and present through political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal lenses. They will discern how to filter this data through the various wellness dimensions and client values to find an intersection of wants and needs, allowing the creation of revolutionary, future-minded spatial solutions that connect all the dots.

*In-person sessions will be recorded and available on-demand starting Monday, June 17.

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