ECO-nomics: a business case for circular furniture programs

NeoCon Presentation Description: and ECO-nomic sense! There is a growing community of facility managers working together to drive sustainable change in the commercial furniture industry. In this value-driven session, we will share insights and best practices from kimiko green's roundtable discussions that include many fortune 500 global organizations. Founding members Dianne Murata and Jenny McMath will share financial scenarios including a case study from 8 million sq ft facility Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) that support sustainable furniture practices and make a case for circular furniture programs. Over the last three years LANL has purchased millions of $ in new interior products with a focus on sustainable and high-quality interior furnishings. However, it is only the beginning of their goal to maximize it's useable life and landfill diversion. Sustainable commercial furniture, if well maintained and warrantied, can last well beyond the accounting depreciation of the asset, ultimately saving taxpayer and/or organizational dollars. Waste reduction and keeping commercial furniture out of landfills has multiple environmental benefits, but implementing circular practices also makes great financial sense--whether planning and managing 8 million square feet or 8,000 square feet.

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